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Sit-stand workstation study


The purpose of this study is to as生雨sess a number o離海f different sit-sta麗女nd equipment options and to better看跳 understand the potential benefit o花中f standing at work. 


We all know that leading討見 a sedentary life 制身is not good for us and we all微笑 get aches and 就現pains from sitting too long. There雨外's now research suggesting that th些內e cumulative impact of sitting all day 裡數for years is associated技話 with a range of health problems我村, from obesity to diabetes to cancer.問女 Because the average視你 office worker spends這腦 5 hours and 41 minutes sitting each d業光ay at his or her desk, 能麗some describe th可務e problem with 能工a pithy new phrase 雜時that's undeniably catchy, if somewhat exaggerated: " S銀草itting is the n看不ew smoking." 

All this might sound suspiciously 年匠like the latest和兒 health fad, and noth好南ing more. But a歌分 growing body of畫近 research - condu關通cted by James Le你技vine and other scientists - confir一畫ms that a sedentary遠說 lifestyle appears to be detrimental i是說n the long-term店爸. 

The solution, they say, isn't to sit fo的費r six hours at work and then書歌 head to gym afterward, because eviden文白ce suggests that the negative eff日外ects of extended sitti謝公ng can't be cou笑國ntered by brief bouts of str那歌enuous exercise睡廠. The answer is incorporating stand金明ing, pacing and other f如學orms of activit窗飛y into your normal day.&黑光nbsp;

For most of us, this城通 alternating between sittin區高g and standing can be in她但corporated naturally into our day 一煙by getting up regularly音為 from our desks and ta拿得king plenty of short breaks. These sit-林東stand desks of ThinkWise are one火通 good way to help people achie懂費ve this regular change in posture呢女. 

- Step one is get up. 作紅;

- Step two is learn to get up more 土吧often. 

- Step three is, onc窗金e you're up, move! 

How to use Sit-stand workstation?&nb生些sp;

The jury is stil還看l out on exactly how l南公ong and how often yo器木u should spend standi愛刀ng - but the key is to change白間 regularly. 

Our sit-stand workstation 兒機is designed to mov空要e you smoothly and comfor鐘秒tably between the sitting an喝劇d standing position.購飛 

Begin by trying to spend 個購10-20 minutes every hour in the standin懂醫g position. 

Once you master this, try stand服鐵ing for 2 minutes every 20離通 minutes. 

A study found that the standers bu物文rn, on average, 50 more calories pe男知r hour. 

We also know tha年到t standing up for long 老分periods and working at simply standing 鐘冷height benches is no很錢t good for us eit內個her leading to postu話筆ral issues and sore jo生作ints. So do still try a說間nd sit down for parts of your day.&n好請bsp;